White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series, Jim Campbell, Author of Madoff Talks, the book that inspired the Netflix documentary, Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street
On Zoom, Feb. 21, 2023, 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT.
We are honored to have Jim Campbell as the February speaker in our White Collar Support Group Tuesday Speaker Series.
Link to register: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvfu2hqjMjHNMjfclZp-uhL4P9y-l_tNaE
Information about our White Collar Support Group: http://prisonist.org
Order Jim’s book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Madoff-Talks-Uncovering-Notorious-History/dp/B0999V3WFW
“Jim, this certainly sounds strange coming from me, but I was a constant critic of Wall Street. I was a product of the corrupt culture of Wall Street.” — Bernie Madoff, in an email to Jim Campbell.
No name is more synonymous with the evil side of Wall Street than Bernie Madoff. Arrested for fraud in 2008 — during the depths of the financial crisis — the 70-year old market maker, investment advisor and former chairman of the NASDAQ had orchestrated the largest Ponzi scheme in world history, fleecing thousands of investors across the globe to the tune of $65 billion. To this day, questions remain: Why did he do it? How did he get away with it for so long? What did his family know? Who is the elusive Bernie Madoff?
For the first time, Madoff has gone on the record to explain why and how he orchestrated the biggest Ponzi scheme in history. In over 400 pages of handwritten letters and emails between him and author Jim Campbell, Madoff shares never-before-heard details about his business and family and how he got away with committing fraud for so long.
Also, for the first time, Ruth Madoff, Andrew Madoff and Madoff’s lawyer, Ira Sorkin, reveal what they knew and if they were complicit.
“The question behind every fraud is why? For all the coverage of Bernie Madoff, the question still hangs in the air. Read Jim Campbell’s wonderfully reported book and you’ll finally get some answers.” — Bethany McLean, author of the best seller The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron.
Even though we know how the story ends, Madoff Talks’ fast-paced, suspenseful narrative shows Madoff at his manipulative best: explaining, justifying and rationalizing his actions and behaviors. All the while, Campbell’s investigative work challenges and refutes Madoff’s claims. From his exhaustive research, Campbell offers more than 30 recommendations to individual investors to be smart with their money and to the SEC, SIPC, FINRA and feeder funds.
Jim Campbell is the host of the nationally syndicated radio show Business Talk with Jim Campbell and his crime show Forensic Talk with Jim Campbell. He is known for his hard-hitting interviews of leading figures from the worlds of business, politics and sports. Known for “firsts,” Campbell snagged the first extensive interview with former New York Governor Eliot Spitzer after his resignation; the first interview with former Tyco CEO Denis Kozlowski after his release from prison; and the first broadcast interview with former stock analyst Roomy Kahn, a government informant in one of the biggest insider trading busts in American history.
Campbell’s extensive corporate, consulting and entrepreneurial business background includes roles at KPMG Consulting, Dean Witter Financial Services (now Morgan Stanley) and IBM. He is founder and president at JC Ventures, Inc., a management consulting business.
To reach Jim Campbell: campbell.james.o@gmail.com, (203) 249–0695
White Collar Week Newsletter Jan. ’23: https://conta.cc/3WBp3KJ
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