White Collar Support Group™ Speaker Sabrena Morgan

On Zoom, July 9, 2024, 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT

White Collar Support Group™ Tuesday Speaker Series: Sabrena Morgan, Criminal Justice Activist, Blogger, Tik Tok Influencer, Formerly Incarcerated Person on Zoom, July 9, 2024, 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT. Start Here™.

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We are honored to have Sabrena Morgan as the July speaker in our White Collar Support Group™ Tuesday Speaker Series. Open to all!

Sabrena’s story of overcoming some of the most difficult obstacles life can throw at someone is not to be missed.In 2018 Sabrena was sentenced to 9 years in prison for her role in a $4.3 million conspiracy to distribute large quantities of methamphetamine and heroin.

From the show notes of her interview on the Nightmare Success podcast: Have you ever heard of ghost dope? My guest Sabrena Morgan is here to explain what that is and how you can go to prison with a ghost dope conviction. Sabrena has had a roller coaster journey. She was even shot in the back of the head by a police officer while she was a passenger in a car chase. How did all this happen to the girl who came from a strong loving family?

Her early life was about being a honor student and a high school athlete. Her passion was showing her horses nation wide. She even became a law school student, but she had other demons that she was trying to fight off while battling depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. That led her into leading a double life with drugs as her escape from her mind battles. This eventually got Sabrena tangled up with the wrong side of the law. She received a federal sentence of 9 years. This is the place where she started figuring herself out. She worked, taught, trained herself and others, and she wrote. Her writings are fascinating insights into her world.

Please go and read these thought provoking blogs she wrote from prison at sabrenamorgan.com. She talks a lot about how the war on drugs looks a lot more like a war on mental disorders when you get to see the inside of it all.

Addiction is a medical condition and should be treated as such. Sabrena says, “it is easy to live in your world and become complacent. My crazy journey led me to prison for a reason. I set my intentions on making huge changes with myself and delivering awareness to people while I was in prison and now that I am out the possibilities are endless.”

Check out Sabrena on TikTok. She has a huge following with important insightful things to say.

To reach Sabrena Morgan: sabrena.morgan.missouri@gmail.com

Sponsored by Progressive Prison Ministries/White Collar Support Group™. Start Here™. https://prisonist.org

Sponsored by GrantLaw, PLLC: https://grantlaw.com

Sponsored by the Nightmare Success Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/...

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Jeff Grant, GrantLaw, White Collar Support Group
Jeff Grant, GrantLaw, White Collar Support Group

Written by Jeff Grant, GrantLaw, White Collar Support Group

Jeff Grant is a Private General Counsel/White Collar Attorney at GrantLaw in NYC and w/ co-counsel & criminal defense counsel throughout the U.S. GrantLaw.com

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