Barry Bekkedam on the White Collar Week Podcast with Jeff Grant, Ep. 30

Barry Bekkedam sets the record straight

Link to article, YouTube video and podcast on

Today on the podcast we have Barry Bekkedam. This is Barry’s first interview since returning from Federal prison last year.

What I like most about Barry was his openness and candor as he painstakingly takes us through his remarkable story from immigrant, to the Villanova basketball team (he’s 6’10” tall!), to real estate investor, to multi-billion dollar Main Line investment manager — and then to his problems when some of his clients lost money in the Rothstein Ponzi scheme and then as former Chairman of a bank accused of TARP fraud.

Barry took his case to trial and was partially vindicated, but ultimately was sentenced to serve 11 months in a Federal prison camp. Barry’s is an incredible story of resilience through over a decade of issues.

So, coming up, Barry Bekkedam sets the record straight. On White Collar Week. I hope you will join us. — Jeff

Barry Bekkedam

Guest Blog: Predictions For FuturePPP Fraud Prosecution By DOJby David Bouchard, Esq.

This article by David Bouchard is one of the most thorough and incisive pieces I have read about the potential scale of SBA Paycheck Protection Program loan fraud prosecutions over the next few years. I reached out to David and he gave us permission to republish it. This is a must-read for professionals and anyone concerned about this subject. — Jeff

“Federal prosecutors will almost certainly continue pursuing PPP fraud cases with zeal, and the highest priority cases will likely remain those that involve egregious wrongdoing. Such cases are easiest to identify and prosecute. They are also politically popular; they provide easier, faster wins for the DOJ and eye-catching headlines that may help to deter other would-be fraudsters from trying to exploit a crisis relief program.

Only time will tell what types of PPP fraud cases the DOJ will prioritize in the future, but it is likely that federal prosecutors will eventually set their sights on more complicated schemes, such as those discussed above. In the meantime, warnings from regulatory and prosecutorial authorities make clear that PPP fraud prosecutions have only just begun. To date we have seen ‘the smallest, tiniest piece of the tip of the iceberg.’”

Link to David’s article here…

White Collar Support Group 255th Meeting Online on Zoom

Progressive Prison Ministries and St. Joseph’s Mission Church invite you to join our online White Collar Support Group. 255th meeting on Zoom, Mon., May 3, 2021, 7 pm ET, 6 pm CT, 5 pm MT, 4 pm PT, 2 pm HST, 11 pm GMT, (12 am CET, 1 am SAST, 10 am AEDT Tues.).

For Newcomers, I (or the night’s leader) will be online fifteen minutes before the scheduled start of the meeting. Zoom works wonderfully, however, it might take a little time to get comfortable with on your end if you’ve never been on this platform.

IMPORTANT!: If you are currently on supervised release, probation or parole, it is important that you first discuss this with your P.O. To assist in this regard, information about our ministry is available on

Our support group is open to those directly justice impacted only! Please feel free to forward this email to a friend, family member, colleague or client in need.

For details, invitation and Zoom link…

Also, White Collar Week, Podcast Episode 01: An Evening with Our White Collar Support Group. 16 support group members tell their stories. Link here.

Rev. Jeff Grant, J.D., M.Div. (he, him, his)

Co-founder, Progressive Prison Ministries, Inc., Greenwich CT & Nationwide

Co-host, The Criminal Justice Insider Podcast
Host, White Collar Week
Mailing: P.O. Box 1, Woodbury, CT 06798
Office: 203–405–6249

Donations (501c3):
Psychology Today:
not a prison coach, not a prison consultant



Jeff Grant, GrantLaw, White Collar Support Group
Jeff Grant, GrantLaw, White Collar Support Group

Written by Jeff Grant, GrantLaw, White Collar Support Group

Jeff Grant is a Private General Counsel/White Collar Attorney at GrantLaw in NYC and w/ co-counsel & criminal defense counsel throughout the U.S.

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